Some newz

10:29 AM / Posted by itachi1uchiha /

I just fixed engine of RX7(converted from Forza3) converted and edited some sexy new rims,and finished damage model for Mazda,and started to convert LP670Super Veloce from Forza3...(70%),scratch made garage went up to 60%-just to find where to put,and learn how to make it suitable for San Andreas(col,shadows and so if anyone have some tut it would help me,so i have only .max model,no shadows no thingies,i need tut how to make it "playable" :) ) After all this,i'm doing some render in photoshop -  Lambo LP670SV  some pics will be later :)
Oh yea,i got registered original version of 3DS Max 10 :P

Oh yea #2 i converted and some scratch made parts Lotus Evora,when i finish interior and some tests,and lower polys ..and -.-' xD... get time,i'll upload it here ;),yah it's beautifull are some renders(poooooor)

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